
We did it!

Horay we sailed around the world. The journey took 3 years and had both some fantastic ups and terrifying downs. Since my last post from Indonesia about 8 months ago we have sailed across the Indian ocean, Red sea, Mediterranean and back to Sweden again. The best part might have been a deserted bay just on the Sudanese border with Egypt with clear water and lost of fish. The worst part might have been Egypt with lovely people but a very hostile government who does everything to make life hard for sailors. Don't sail in Egypt!  Since a couple of weeks back we live in our new home on Hälsö, just outside Gothenburg, Sweden. The kids go to a real school for the first time and my wife works as a geologist. Myself I'm a stay at home dad but sooner or later I have to go back to work again as a IT guy. Anyway lets look at some pics 2024 stared in Thailand for us. Mmm Satay Jelly Fish, every one loves Thai snacks We explored the caves around Phuket. The rick is to wait fo

Into the Indian ocean

 Good midday to you dear reader As usual Im blogging on the navigation table in Alice. Outside I can hear the prayer being called from the local Minaret and it's not a million degrees inside as I'm used to now. We arrived in Indonesia a month ago and have been enjoying fresh vegetables and great internet since. The waters are dark, dirty and full of fishermen but the biological diversity is shocking. I see new species of fish and coral all the time. While we miss the pristine crystal clear waters of the pacific its nice to be back in civilization again with cheap and good food and other yachtis to meet.  Now over to my normal section of pictures of stuff that we have done since the last blog post. In the Marshall Islands we found the skeleton of a stranded humpback whale. This is the head (if you look at my shadow in the picture you get an idea of the size) The tracks from large turtles coming up on the beach to lay eggs. Mmmm guess who is having frash Mantis shrimp for dinner?

No Christmas on Christmas Island

 My last post was from Tahiti since then we have had some good times and some awsome times! We started of with visiting many islands in the Sociaty island group, thats the same group of islands around Tahiti and its very touristy, a bit like comin g back to the Carribean. Naturaly nature is a bit less intesesting and a bit more poluted. Despite this we somehow managed to entertain ourselfs. Typical resort, this is probably from Morea maybe? They all look the same... Halloween was celebrated with a pumpkin on the compass. The rays are kind of tame in some places due to the resorts feeding them. While it's not exactly natural behavior for the rays it's great fun to feed them small pieces of anchovies. My is showing off her French swimming suits and matching limp baguette. The last island in the group we visited was Bora Bora, it's often found on lists of the world's most beautiful places but is a bit over-exploited for me. Anyway I managed to get Covid for the first time