Paradise at home

After 26 intensive days Im happy to report we are still in Sweden. We are waiting for the second shot of the vaccine before we leave for the English channel. It's still unclear exactly what country we will aim for but the best case is the UK and departing 1 August. Before that we will haul out at Strömstad marina to get the propeller shaft fixed. It's a bit more bent than I hoped for and for a change I will get a professional to have a look at it. In general I prefer to fix everything myself but changing the shaft and aligning the engine perfectly is beyond my ability (or patience, take your pick).

For now we are cruising around the Koster archipelago. You can see where we are by downloading an AIS app and search for MMSI 265517600 or clicking here  

Our children Molly and My are enjoying themself a lot in the beautiful weather

Birds on a wire at Koster

Super swing at Väderöarna

The adult are also having a good time:

Goodbye party with Marks colleagues at Lilla bommen 


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